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"We never know which lives we influence or when, or why – Stephen King

Teacher and Pupil

School Support

  • Advocacy at Pupil Planning Team/Individual Education Program team meetings

  • Preparation with families before IEP or other educational meetings

Holistic Positive
Behavior Support

  • Holistic Positive Behavior Support to assess behaviors of concern, develop positive behavior change programs, train individuals to implement plans and evaluate progress

Freelancer Working from Home
Boy Sitting on Grass


  • Collaborating with other providers – occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech language pathologists, psychiatric and psychological service providers, school counselors, social workers and other support providers


  • Healthy Relationships training

  • Person Centered Planning

  • Professional Development Training – Supportive Classrooms, Differentiated Instruction, Social Emotional Learning, Individualized Positive Behavior Change Programs

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